
Facebook Flash模板

FaceBook. 如何创建一个页面

Facebook Flash模板教程, Facebook HTML教程
In this tutorial you will learn how to create a Facebook Page.
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Facebook. 如何创建一个新的APP

Facebook Flash模板教程, Facebook HTML教程
In this tutorial you will learn how to create a new APP (application) on Facebook.
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Facebook. 如何安装模板

This tutorial will show you how to install Facebook template to your Facebook account. The installation procedure has been changed recently so please be sure to check the tutorial below even if you installed Facebook templates before.
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Facebook. 如何激活Flickr插件

This tutorial will show you how to enable Flickr Plugin in Facebook的模板.
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XML Flash. 如何上传模板到服务器

In this tutorial you will learn the way to upload your XML Flash template to your hosting.
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XML Flash. 如何创建内页链接

In this tutorial you will learn how to create Inner Page links in XML Flash templates (AS2).
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Facebook Troubleshoter. 模板不能在GoDaddy服务器上加载

This tutorial shows how to resolve issue with Facebook template not loading on GoDaddy servers. Trying to access Facebook template installed to the GoDaddy hosting server you can see the following error message:

“405 – HTTP verb used to access this page is not allowed. The page you are looking for cannot be displayed because an invalid method (HTTP verb) …

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Facebook. 如何更改默认登录页

Facebook Flash模板教程, Facebook HTML教程, Facebook Reveal教程
This tutorial will show you how to change the default landing page.
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Facebook的模板. 没有“查看应用配置页面”链接. 删除应用配置页面

Facebook will remove all App Profile Pages on February 1st, 2012. 接下来的几个星期, the following banner will appear to admins at the top of the App Profile Page: …

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Facebook. How to add and administrator user to the APP page

Facebook Flash模板教程

Our Support team is ready to present you a new tutorial that will show you how to add and administrator user to the APP page.…

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Facebook XML Flash. 如何添加readmore页面和按钮Facebook.

Facebook Flash模板教程

This tutorial will show you how to add new Read More button and Read More page in Facebook Flash-XML templates, 使用AS3版本的Adobe Flash程序.

  1. 打开“主”.xml‘ file from ‘sources/flash/’ folder in Adobe Dreamweaver or any editor, 比如记事本或写字板.
  2. Locate the page with ‘readmore’ button text and ‘readmore’ page.
  3. 复制“readmore”按钮.


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Facebook. 如何将购物车链接到PayPal

Facebook Flash模板教程

As you may have noticed some Facebook templates has the shopping cart functionality included. You have great opportunity to promote and sell your goods through Facebook.

This short tutorial will show you how to link the Facebook template shopping cart to your PayPal account.

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如何编辑Facebook Flash模板

Facebook Flash模板教程

This tutorial will guide you through the basic customization of Facebook Flash templates.

1. Once you have downloaded the template and extracted the files, open ‘facebook_site‘ folder.  要预览模板,请打开Index.浏览器中的HTML文件 from ‘facebook_site‘ folder.

2. In order to edit the template content, you should modify the ‘main.xml‘ file. 我们建议使用Adobe…

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如何编辑HTML Facebook模板

The following tutorial will show you how to edit HTML based Facebook templates. You’ll see the step-by-step instructions on editing of general aspects of the template.

  1. Before you start customizing the template, you may preview the original template.  要预览模板,只需打开Index.浏览器中的HTML文件.
  2. In order to modify the pages content, open each ‘html‘
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The requested method POST is not allowed facebook app

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Facebook上的应用.com被加载到画布页面. A Canvas Page is quite literally a blank canvas within Facebook on which to run your app. You populate the Canvas Page by providing a Canvas URL that contains the HTML, JavaScript和CSS组成了你的应用. When a user requests the Canvas Page, we load the Canvas URL …

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验证失败. 无法更新开发人员.

1. Go to the Application Profile Page (linked to from right hand col on your app’s main page (where it shows stats, your app id, 网站网址等)

2. From Application Profile Page click on “Edit Application” – left hand col underneath profile pic

3. On the Edit App page there’s a list of app devs in the right hand …

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从本周开始, we are requiring every developer to verify his or her Facebook account to create new applications. This is the same quick process that users go through when they want to do things like upload large videos.

We’re taking this step to preserve the integrity of Facebook Platform, 确保每个应用程序…

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This tutorial will show you 如何添加新的页面和菜单 in Facebok Flash templates
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This tutorial will show you 如何管理og体育布局 in Facebok Flash templates
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This tutorial will show you 如何管理新产品 in Facebok Flash templates
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This tutorial will show you 如何编辑logo in Facebok Flash templates
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This tutorial will show you 如何编辑社交图标 in Facebook Flash template
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This tutorial will show you 如何编辑货币代码 in Facebook Flash template
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